Reunite your sales and marketing departement

Since forever, marketing departments often sit in their own silo:

- It is one of the only departments that does not generate income

- And, of course, the eternal contradiction of the follow-up of qualified leads compared to leads that are not qualified enough

Almost nowhere else is there such a need for streamlined data flow and data monitoring to create “correct closed loop reporting”. Who can check what all those marketing investments generated? To the great annoyance of the marketer.

All this also has an impact on the customer. Leads leak from the sales funnel and the interaction is difficult. You want to avoid this “disconnected customer experience” at all times.

Often we only see this when:

- Setting up a (new) marketing automation tool

- when sales & marketing departments are forced to look at the whole funnel

- if the gates between an MQL and an SQL need to be defined

We all know that these discussions often do not take place – or take place too late – and this remains an ever-present pitfall.

After countless articles and corporate (re)visions, it has already become clear that these silos are not so easy to reunite. A helping hand in this can be Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (previously known as Pardot).

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, a better collaboration between your sales and marketing team

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement is the only marketing automation tool that lives (yes, lives!) on the same platform as its sales variant – Sales Cloud. By letting these two departments work on the same platform and with the same real-time data, you make sure they can take their collaboration to another level.

Of course, each has its own processes and supporting functionalities, but they look at the same data – with their own sales/marketing perspectives.

What impact does this have on the synergy between sales and marketing?

- Marketing Cloud Account Engagement works with real-time data: a contact fills in a form, for example to download a white paper, your sales team sees this immediately. They can then respond at the right moment.

- No integration or plug-in is required. Nothing is more reliable than having your data on one platform.

- Sales staff can choose which contact is sent to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and to which segmentation list they are added. They can, with one click, even send a branded (set up by marketers) email to a qualified lead.

- On the other hand, your marketing department can respond to your sales data. For example, they can set up a discount campaign to give your contacts who are negotiating their deal an extra push.

- Last but not least, it is now possible to create more clarity around marketing efforts. By working together on the platform of sales people and marketers, they can deal with leads smarter, more efficiently and more effectively. In Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, this can be done through lead scoring so that sales people can prioritize leads.

- When your processes are completely up to date and your data is complete, you can do “closed loop reporting”. This creates a clear overview of which marketing activities have led to which closed deals, and thus what the ROMI is.

Do you want to go a step further? Then choose Salesforce Engage.

This is an extra Marketing Cloud Account Engagement feature that will optimize the connection between Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and Sales Cloud even more.

- With “Engage Alerts”, salespeople receive real time notifications when a prospect interacts with your content such as: visiting the price list on the website, downloading a whitepaper, opening an email, etc. The sales staff can interact much smarter with this prospect and choose the right moment to contact them.

- In addition, sales can now not only send 1-to-1 marketing emails, but also address entire lists.

- More features: Engage Campaigns, Engage for Gmail, Engage Reports, etc.

Generally speaking, this ensures that the two departments work together even more and that everybody is alligned.

Is this music to your ears? Is your organisation ready to reunite your sales and marketing team?
Contact us for a non-binding conversation to explore the possibilities for your organization.